Let's ignore the quality, shall we?
I've never embroidered anything in my life before a few moments ago. Really. haha!!
I may try this again, only with a bit more 'planning'.
What you need:
-Denim scraps (have you made jeans into shorts recently?)
-Embroidery floss (friendship bracelet style)
-Sewing needle (large enough eye for the thread)
-Clasp (hobbylobby or ANY craft store)
-Jump rings or split rings, and chain in case you make it too small (oops)
-Ribbon Crimps. I got mine here on etsy.
-Scissors and jewelry pliers.
Start by taking your piece of denim and cutting a long thin strip. Wrap this around your wrist and mark with a pen where you need it cut. Mine has a chain because I cut it too small for my wrist, so make sure you cut it long first, then take off little pieces until it's perfect. Thread up your needle with the thick embroidery floss.
I would recommend drawing out whatever design you want with a pen to be sure you have an even guide to follow, and that it will all fit (so it doesn't need to look like mine. Another oops lol!!)
Start threading through the back so that your knot and edge of the thread aren't visible. Stick with straight lines. The back won't be visible so focus only on the front and your clean lines.
Once you have your writing done, grab your ribbon clamps and your pliers and close one on each end.
Add your jump rings and clasp, and DONE!
Optional: Before adding the end clamps, cut another piece of denim to the same size, and use fabric glue to glue it to the back of your designed piece. This will make it a little more sturdy, and will hide any thread on the back side. The clamps will still easily fit over top of both pieces after they're glued together.
Optional: Buy a product called "no fray" (i think that's what it called?)
to spray on the edges of your denim to stop any fraying of pieces off the edge.
Great to try new things.G.