
Washed Up

What are you doing about the issue of plastic and metal pollution? Do you walk down the beach with a trash bag picking up bottles to throw away? Or do you ignore it and let the ocean take care of it.
Have you wondered where many of these items have ended up?

Sian Ka'an is Mexico's largest federally protected reserve.
Never heard of it?
There's more then twenty pre-Colombian archaeological sites there. It's also the world's second largest coastal barrier reef. Sadly, due to the currents in the ocean, it is also a location where you'll find the worlds pollution dumping ground.

Artist, Alejandro Duran has been to this wasteland.
A bit of arranging to the pieces found washed up along the shoreline, and this photographer has been able to capture what much of the world hasn't seen.
Would you believe he's identified products from forty-two nations that have landed here?

This project was meant to raise awareness.
Step over to his website at http://www.washed-up-project.com/ and take a look at what he's discovered.

Will you do your part?
Help stop this gorgeous undeveloped land from becoming our dumping ground.

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